That is the question that I have been asking myself lately. For people under a certain age, we are growing up with technology. I'm 32 and didn't have access to the Internet until I went to college. I didn't have a phone that texted until I was 30 (and didn't even text much until I was 31) and didn't start blogging or using twitter until I was 32. People younger than me are growing up with it in middle school! I am not someone who is opposed to technology and thinks it is all evil and kids are dumber because of it. I mean, I love technology (the iPod has been one of the greatest inventions ever!) and I am by no means saying we are worse off than before. What I am concerned about is the human-to-human interaction that we seem to be losing because of the increased use of technology. I almost feel like we are moving towards a Johnny Mnemonic type of life (or for your RPG people, Shadowrun) where we start becoming part computer/part human.